Sorry seems to be the hardest word..
Humility, something I have learnt to appreciate over the past few years. I have been in my share of messes, involving family, friends and colleagues. I used to be able to weave my way out of these situations, but now I am adopting a much simpler, yet amazingly effective approach - just admit it, apologise and get on with it! No more being politically correct, witty and even bending the limits of truth to get out of sticky situations..and the satisfaction...
However, I am not writing about how I have changed my ways and how much it means to me, today I am resigned to the fact that some people are just plain stubborn, thick headed and in what we call in Malay 'bebal'. The Quran, in the verse Yaasin, ayat 10 had clearly stated that you can preach and warn them, but they will not heed and listed to what you have to say, may be applied for this situation.
We can empathise and sympathise, but everyone has its limits. Most of the people around me had given up hope long ago, but I strongly believed that they were not seeing the whole picture, not seeing why decisions are made and the opprtunity that lies ahead. Today, my limit has been breached.
I sometimes picture myself as a decendent from a chapter of Malay History Books. We live to serve our leaders, and to rebel against our leaders is the most cardinal of sins. I have disagreed with my superiors, argued and stated my case, but stuck to the fact that I shall respect the chosen leader and the decisions he or she makes. But true, to the history books, there are times when the cruel and unjust leader brings about mutiny and revolt. Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen this happen and throughout this time, I have lost my faith in the leadership. Respect, what little I have left of it, somehow, is intact.
When small problems are not addressed, they don't go away. When will we ever realise this? I can vouch that although the truth may hurt, it is the best medicine. The truth is somewhere out there, will we ever get to know it? Lets hope we'll find out (before later is too late)...
However, I am not writing about how I have changed my ways and how much it means to me, today I am resigned to the fact that some people are just plain stubborn, thick headed and in what we call in Malay 'bebal'. The Quran, in the verse Yaasin, ayat 10 had clearly stated that you can preach and warn them, but they will not heed and listed to what you have to say, may be applied for this situation.
We can empathise and sympathise, but everyone has its limits. Most of the people around me had given up hope long ago, but I strongly believed that they were not seeing the whole picture, not seeing why decisions are made and the opprtunity that lies ahead. Today, my limit has been breached.
I sometimes picture myself as a decendent from a chapter of Malay History Books. We live to serve our leaders, and to rebel against our leaders is the most cardinal of sins. I have disagreed with my superiors, argued and stated my case, but stuck to the fact that I shall respect the chosen leader and the decisions he or she makes. But true, to the history books, there are times when the cruel and unjust leader brings about mutiny and revolt. Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen this happen and throughout this time, I have lost my faith in the leadership. Respect, what little I have left of it, somehow, is intact.
When small problems are not addressed, they don't go away. When will we ever realise this? I can vouch that although the truth may hurt, it is the best medicine. The truth is somewhere out there, will we ever get to know it? Lets hope we'll find out (before later is too late)...

Sometimes Jebat seems to be the hero instead of the villain.However i've always adored Jebat more than Tuah - but in the working world its the Tuahs who will be rewarded instead of Jebat. :)
bro, u know me. the spirit of tuah is somehow in me, i somehow tend to lean towards loyalty and opportunity, thus maybe one reason that I may not be too popular with my peers.. ;)
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