It's All About Mary!

The past week has been a real revelation for me and my long life self proclaimed 'Can't read fiction' block. All thanks to this man called 'Dan Brown'. In a matter of four days, I actually was hooked on reading the entire 600 odd pages of the Da Vinci's Code. It may not be something to shout about for an ardent reader, but more someone like me - it was some hell of a record.
I have always had this mental block that I cannot read fiction stories. Its not that I have not tried, but I end up sleeping after 3-4 pages, and get bored with the book after a couple of chapters. One evident example was my attempt at 'Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone'. I had seen the movie and have heard so much about how the book is even better, so decided to give it a go. It took me two weeks to get through like 50 pages, and eventually I ended up returning the book without even finishing the story. And so I returned to my usual menu of Biographies, History Books and Self-Improvement mumbo jumbo..
I had heard about the Da Vinci's code quite some time ago, but never bothered to find out what it was all about. Then all of a sudden, in the past couple of weeks, it seemed to pop up everywhere I go, and like hmm.. When Meng (Dr. M to most people) wrote it in his blog that the book's about history and culture, I thought well there's an interesting proposition.
So, I went out and got the book, started reading, and found myseld glued to this 'masterpiece of fiction'. I actually spent most of the weekend reading the book and by Sunday afternoon - was glad that it was done - I realy enjoyed the story, but most of all I have this satisfaction of saying I really enjoyed reading.
Who know's, I may end up putting 'reading' as a hobby... ;)

If you enjoyed The Da Vinci Code you have to read Angels and Demons...I gotta say it makes me want to go to France and see the Louvre for myself...I'll be one happy camper...
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