Another one bite's the dust

Today I turn 29! I try to look back at my life and see what I have accomplished thus far. I tried to draw up my life's historical to see if i make any sense of where i've been and what I've accomplished thus far. Here goes...
1976 Born in Rangoon, I honestly dunno how much time I spent there..
1976? - 1978 recollection, except for the sephia coloured pics..
1979 - 1982 Went to Manila, entered Kindie, then International School, first played football (and still lovin it!)
1982 Returned to Malaysia, moved into TTDI, went to Sri KL
1983 - 1989 Went to Sri Cempaka (Std. 2 - Form 1), started playing football for school when I was 10, did well for my Penilaian Darjah 5, entered scouts like in standard 4, learnt to ride a bike when I was 12, otherwise spent most of my evenings at 'Wembley' - the field in front of Jo's house
1989 - 1993 I guess a lot of stuff happened here, went to SMTTDI (yes, i entered Form 1 again - apparently DSAI at the time did not allow advanced students, so we had to play it by age), met most of the Kamcheng brothers, LP16 was great, albeit with its ups and downs, did fairly ok for SRP and SPM, continued playing football...
1994 - 1996 Rancangan Persediaan Khas Jepun,Universiti Malaya..2 years of hell, but met some of my closest friends there, was a real eye opener for me - the studying, the people, the environment, and of course, the japanese..
1996 - 2000 I often view my experience going to Wakayama University, Japan as a 'metamorphosis' of sorts. I came as a child, and left as a man.. Wonderful 4 years there.. the experiences, the cars, the travels - went to Europe for a month in '98, which was so cool, remember the snow storm we went through while driving from Manchester to Edinbrugh (the fog lamps thing was classic) and how Under & I went to Paris, we were standing at the glass pyramid of the Lourve and were wondering, what the hell is this? and decided to give it a pass - oh how ignorance is bliss.. of course, the football, who can forget captaining team Wakayama to 2 straight championship titles in 98-99..and the baito - from bento factory, english teacher, mannequin mover to security guard..hehe, good times, good money..
2000 Let's see if we can play it by year from here..hmm, got back, brought back my Skyline - oh how I miss thee, met Sue - oh how I do love thee, started work at Canon, the Marubeni, then Frost n Sullivan - yes, we are still in the same year.. started playing for DUFC and soon became a regular starter..
2001 Left for Deloitte, bought a condo - for the pure reason, I was not saving any money even though I was earning significantly more that my peers then, life was filled with dating, football, work..
2002 Travelled a whole lot, got engaged and married later that year, Sue was still studying, got injured real bad, had to the team as the injury and work didn't allow me to give my committment to the team..and yes, sold the Skyline - I will get u back someday...
2003 Sue graduated, we moved into our Condo, left Deloitte for MDC, finally went on our honeymoon to Japan...tried to get football back on track
2004 Didn't start off too well, my dad passed away, started playing for Rapid DU Coloq2, in the middle of the year we had the introduction of Ilhan - our little boy!, and for the first time since 1996 - this was the first year I did not go to Japan..
Syukur Alhamdulillah, I have had my share of ups and downs in life. And here we are today, I have 364 days before I leave the 20's, need to lose a whole lot of weight, get more regular exercise.. I pray that eveyone I know is safe, healthy and happy with whatever they do..Take Care, God Bless..
muahahahas.. who can forget the Edinburgh "lightning speed" environment ! That was really good. And remember when we were stopped by Bon in the wee hours of the morning ; thought that we screwed up somewhere. RUpanya pasang fog light ! No wonder the continuous "friendly" light flashes from the trucks during the journey !!!
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