Oh where, oh where can my baby be...
Plate no. WHH 4000, is no longer white. For some reason, the guy sprayed it gan-metallic (some sort of grayish colour), last seen in Hartamas about 2 years ago..
The Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-T. My story with her began in 1998, when i purchased her upon returning back from Malaysia after summer break. At the time, she was mostly untouched (or in japanese u would say junsei) I changed the stereo, the rims, the springs, the bodykit to make it look like how it is in the picture. I have got some earlier versions, but would need to scan them before I can paste them in this blog.
Before her, I actually had a series (and histories) of cars while I was in Japan. They were:
Suzuki something.. Kcar - lasted a day, actually half a day. I had picked up the car in the afternoon, then went to osaka to pick up under. So I got Kak Erni and Jai to drop me off at the station, and they were to pick us up in like 3 hours. When we arrived, we waited and waited and they had not come. After a while, they arrived, but not in my car. They had gotten into an accident, and the cost of repairs would have been twice what I paid for the car.. so apalagi, throw away..
Honda Civic 1.5 efi - Good reliable car, got it quite cheap. Lasted 2 months, this time it wasn't the car, it was me who got wrecked. You see this car was a manual car, everything was fine, until i got injured real bad in a football game in Gifu, and had to be in a cast on my left leg for a couple of months.. So that being that, there was no way I was going to drive a manual, so traded it for..
Honda Integra 1.5 - Now this was an automatic, very good car I must say. It has taken me all accross Japan - we actually went on a tour going from Wakayama through Osaka, Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tottori, Kanazawa, Toyama and Shiga.. all in 7 days. But my affair with the integra can to a sad end. Atoi was here for a holiday after SPM, we were out for a drive when, somehow out of the blue (actually it was more of a blind spot in the small, tight allies of Japan) came a Toyota Celsior (a Lexus LS 400, for most outside Japan) and BAMM!! I hit the car, not that it was that bad (i believe if i took it to Yap @ D'sara Kim, may have cost like less than RM500), but after investigation and all, I was asked to pay Y1,000,000 - thats like RM 35,000 today. And thats not including the costs of repair of the Integra. By some kind twist of fate, the Yoshida's (the owner's of the Celsior, of which I still keep in touch and still convey my gratitude) had informed the insurance company that they will not seek any compensation from me. I still remember - You work hard, get some money to repair your car, and work hard in your studies here in Japan. So I did just that, repaired the Integra, and then let her go...
It was the kindness of the Yoshida's that had allowed me to use my savings to go to Europe that Spring. Without it, there would have been no Manchester, no Paris, no Florence, no Edinbrugh - no being stopped by the coppers yeah ;)
Anyway, I bought the Skyline later that year. bought her back to Malaysia in 2000. She was a great car, didn't give any problems, and was a dream to drive - not to mention the attention you get. None the less, when the time had come, I knew I had to let her go. I needed the resources. She has done well to contribute to pay for my wedding, put a down payment on the house, pay off the money i borrowed to pay for the taxes and actually have some money to put in the bank..
On Saturday nite, I got the closest thing to her from a dear friend - a replica of the sklyine. Someday, the time will come again my friend, when I drive to your place and pick you up for minum2 in my Skyline!

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